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Marcel Sparmann is a German visual artist, working in performance art, theatre, dance, public art and installation. After studying Theatre, Performance Art and Environmental Art in Germany and Scotland, Sparmann now works internationally, both as artist and researcher in Residence. Furthermore, he has presented as a guest lecturer for Performance and experimental theatre including theatre pedagogy all over Europe, North and South America, China and Japan. Currently holding guest teaching positions at several German universities, Sparmann lectured at international institutions. Supported by Goethe Institute, he participated in renowned Performance Art festivals and Biennials, such as the Venice International Performance Art Week, 1st Bienal Internacional de Performance de Caracas, Xi’an Live Art Festival, the Houston Performance Art Biennale as well as many others.
2022 – #Take Care Fond Darstellende Künste – with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
2022 – Research Scholarship Literaturrat e.V.
2021 – Research Scholarship Literaturrat e.V.
2021 – Special scholarship Thüringer Kulturstiftung
2020 – #Take Care Fond Darstellende Künste – with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
2011 – today
travel grant by Goethe Institute for Chengdu, Xi’an, Guangzhou [cn], Hongkong, Washington [us], Helsinki [fi], Caracas [ven], Nicosia [cy], Bangkok [th], the Hague [nl], Madrid [es]
2011 – today
research residency
Archiv – Performativ, Institute for cultural studies in arts, Basel [ch], Kakihara Project Kobe/Tottori [jp]
November 2008 – today
artist in Residence
at Instituto Municipal de Cultura y Arte Cuá [ve], Co-Habitar Residencia Valparaíso and Conception [chi] “ARENA – Festival der jungen Künste” Erlangen [de], Black Isle [uk], Bezalel Art Academy Jerusalem [il], S.H.A.C, Belfast [uk]
Teaching (selection)
Guest lecturer for Performance Art | 2010 – today
CCCD Art Space Academy Hongkong [hk], Oxford Brookes University [uk], Primera Bienal Internacional de Performance de Caracas [ven], Facultad de Arte de la Universidad de Ancha [chi], University of Houston, SAM University of Houston [us], University of Cologne [de], Landeskunstgymnasium, Alzey, [de], Cairos – Dance Centre, Venice [it], PALS- Performance Art Links Festival, Stockholm [se], Alberta College of art and design, Calgary [ca], Guangzhou Art Academy [cn], Performance Conference LAPSody, TEAK Academy, Helsinki [fi], University Erlangen, Institute for theatre and media, Erlangen [de], at Ernst Busch Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Berlin, University Cologne
Guest lecturer for Performance and experimental theatre | 2010 – today
BUT-Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik, BVTS-Bundesverband Theater an Schulen, EJBW und Buchenwaldstiftug Weimar [de], BUT – Bundestreffen Jugendclubs an Theatern in Senftenberg, Hannover, Oldenburg, Cottbus, Lübeck [de], Stellwerk – junges Theater Weimar [de] Theater am Markt Eisenach [de], Theaterfabrik Gera [de], Theater junge Generation, Dresden [de] Theaterfestival “Avant Art”, Gotha [de], in cooperation mit LAG – Spiel und Theater Thüringen, Weimar, Jena, Eisenach [de]
Performance Art (selection)
Performance with Sara Simeoni, St. Clemens Basilika Hannover
Performance opera Co-Creation [Body Matters II], VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK, C32, Venice
The Sustainable Arts Festival Oslo as part of interart_s, Oslo
Schloss Rotenfels
Performance-based film „STRATA“ by VestAndPage
Stage Director| Jury Presentation for the Europaen Capital of Culture Application of Hildesheim 2025
7th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece
Schloss Soltitude, Stuttgart, Germany
Salt Docks, Venice, Italy
ID – Project, Den Haag, Netherlands
Performance opera Anam Cara, VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK 2018, Venice, Italy
Grace Exhibition Space, Brooklyn New York, USA
CCCD Art Space, Hongkong
Rebel Art Space, Bangkok, Thailand
Miniatures at MIIT House, Osaka, Japan
Tactiles Body SENSORIUM SPACE, Performance Art Festival, Nicosia, Cyprus
Paersche LAB17, Cologne, Germany
Fields of Visions – Performance Art Festival, Reutlingen, Germany
3rd Venice International Performance Art Week, Venice, Italy
1st Warsaw International Performance Art Festival, Warsawa, Poland
4th Berlin International Performance Art Weekend, Berlin, Germany
Sofia Unerground International Performance Art Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria
Live Art Research Program, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
Transferencias Cardinales, Valencia, Venezuela
1st Bienal Internacional de Performance de Caracas, Venezuela,
Rapid Pulse – Performance Art Festival, Defibrillator Gallery Chicago, USA
LAPSody – performance art conference and festival, TEAK academy Helsinki,Finland
Mixxer Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
Kunstverein Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Houston Performance Art Biennale, Houston, USA
Defibrillator Gallery Chicago, Chicago, USA
Exhibition Opening „Gute Aussichten“, Goethe Institut Washington USA
Performance Art Fest 3, curated by Der Pfeil, Zurich, Switzerland
Gallery Spez7, Gdansk, Poland
National Museum, Szczecin, Poland
FIX International Live Art Biennial, curated by Catalyst Arts, Belfast, North Ireland
1st International Performance Art Week, curated by Vest&Page, Venice, Italy
Accion!MAD12, curated by Nieves Correá, Madrid, Spain
Xi´An Live Art Festival, curated by Xiangxishi, Xi´An
China UP-ON Live Art Festival, curated by Zhoubin, ChengDu, China
PAE4 Performance Art Festival, curated by Ieke Trinks, Gemaal, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
PALS Performance Art Links Festival, curated by Dennis Romanowski, Stockholm, Sweden
Testing Grounds, curated by Nadege Derderian, Nightingale Theatre Brighton,UK
LAPSody – performance art conference and festival, TEAK academy Helsinki,Finland
PI Performance Intermedia Festival, Szczecin,Poland
Blauverschiebung3, curated by KUB Gallery, Leipzig, Germany
ARENA- Festival der jungen Künste, Erlangen, Germany
“IBRIDaction”, Performance art festival, Paris/Creteil, France
Testing Grounds, Brighton, UK
National Review of Live Art, curated by Nikki Milican, Glasgow, UK
Blauverschiebung2, curated by KUB Gallery, Leipzig, Germany
Art of Encounter, curated by Helge Meyer, Ilsede, Germany
McLellan Gallery, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Barbour Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel
Artist in residence, curated by Residence Shac, Belfast, North Ireland
University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany