Schmelzen – a performative Installation
with contribution by VestAndPage (it/d), Sara Simeoni (it/d), Marisa Garreffa (aus/it) and Fenia Kotsopoulou (gk/uk)
Schmelzen is a performative approach to the state of solidification and spaciousness under ice. The church space becomes a common breaking point and can be sensually experienced through performance art, dance, video-, sound installation, objects and texts.
I move glassy, my eyes under ice. Sharp below the freezing edge. Where the water has assumed peace. I can be at home there. There where silence leads to standstill. On this edge. Where it gets sharp. Where I am focused. Where it sticks. At the Eisleib. I move in Ice Age, floating slowly. The wind that pierces the cracks in the ice.
VestAndPage (de/it)
Sara Simeoni (it)
Marisa Garreffa (aus)
Fortini Kotsopoulou (gr)