photos: Kohsei Kohen Hasegawa
Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘aktuelle Arbeiten – actual work’
MIIT Space Osaka, Japan, 2017
in collaboration with Megumi Quingshui Shimizu [jp] photos: Mihoko
PAErsche LAB17, Kulturbunker Cologne, Germany 2017
photos: beatrice didier
Workshop Series with La Pocha Nostra and VestAndPage, C32 performingartworkspace, Forte Marghera, Italy 2017
photos:Lorenza cini
Thin Line, Grace Exhibition Space, Brooklyn NYC, USA 2018
photos: Caleb miller
Pressing Times III, GKARAZ ART Galery Nicosia, Cyprus 2017
Text by George Themistokleous photos: Maria Spivak