She had never had a thing for his irresistible way of touching the clouds. Fingers are sometimes simply in the way of things. A tub of water. An empty head that can be rolled across the square. A child with the stick. These are simple constellations. His fingers would only tear holes in here.
Year of production: 2020// Running time: 01:54min
Presented at: SE-Kulturtage and 25th anniversary Auferstehungskirche Nahe, Exhibition „Schmelzen“ and part of ANAM CARA – Mirror in the Mirror, 2020 (produced and edited by VestAndPage)
Moon Structure
We’ve been eating for days, every day and every day it gets more. I assume we are also feeding the table and the chairs, the floor, the walls. They all take part and swell. The chair and the table are words that grow with us. They can be easily removed from the shelf and inserted for anything. If necessary also in the crook of the arm, under the bulges and mountains, under the valleys of the stomach, tendons and muscles. They form a landscape. Our kitchen has become a landscape, depopulated like the moon.
Year of production: 2020// Running time: 01:45min// Soundscape by Anna Rosa Rodriguez
Presented at: The Golem – to be generative in solidarity rather than be creative in solitude, Exhibition, curated by Francesco Kiais // Opening SE-Kulturtage and 25th anniversary Auferstehungskirche Nahe, Exhibition // The fourth international conference „Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science“, Vienna, as part of The Golem
Finally thinking about no-stop time again. Until the blood gets used to it. So that it does not burst when it appears. So that’s what I’m doing right now. I have arrived at no-stop time and remain in the deep so as not to burst when I emerge. That is a lot of effort and also: staying there saves lives, but is also a lot of work. Of course, unpaid.
Year of production: 2020// Running time: 02:09min
Presented at: Opening SE-Kulturtage and 25th anniversary Auferstehungskirche Nahe, Exhibition
It is Lent. The rabbit man, for example. I explain everything to him, again, because he needs me. He is a man who doesn’t want anything and has everything in his hands. Each hand has five fingers. Each hand is open and holds as much as is put in. Can the rabbit man touch things himself? I don’t know, he picks up, snaps off the ground or snaps out of the air. Maybe his hands are more like a carnivorous plant that is just waiting to be touched and then snapped shut. This man got things in hand, like a child its life. And I’m just thinking of being touched. Birthdays are canceled.
Year of production: 2020// Running time: 10:50min
Presented at: SE-Kulturtage and 25th anniversary Auferstehungskirche Nahe, Exhibition „Schmelzen“ and part of ANAM CARA – Mirror in the Mirror, 2020 (produced and edited by VestAndPage)